Monday, September 1, 2008

Places in Europe

I have just returned from a great unexpected trip to Munich and Zurich, it was a four day familiarization trip. Wow it was great, all expenses paid, business class flights, 5 star hotels, top restaurants, and a day in the alps at a outdoor adventure park.
It was a group of 10, we left on Thursday morning (28Aug) from Heathrow on Lufthansa, early morning as we had to be there by 6am (ugh). Arrived in Munich with transfer to the hotel, then toured a brewery there Isar Brewery, good beer and food, they brew only beer for their establishment. Then back to the hotel to get ready for dinner and hotel tour in old town Munich.
Friday morning went into Munich via public transport (train) to see some of the town. Was a great town with lot of interesting sights in the main area of town. Then back to hotel for transfer to airport for our flight to Zurich. Arrived in Zurich transferred to hotel, wow - it was a boutique hotel, suites for us all, the suite was bigger than my flat here in London. Really nice hotel. We relaxed a little, then off to dinner and hotel tour at the St Goddard hotel. We rode the local tram to dinner, then walked back thru the old town - lots of cobbled streets going all different ways. Sopped off at a local bar for drinks then back to hotel. As Sat morning was a very early morning, we met at the train station for a 7:25am train to Engelberg via Lucerne. What beautiful scenery from the train. It was a double decker we were upstairs so had a great view. In Engelberg we transferred up to an outdoor adventure park, where we all participated in climbing and playing in the trees. We did zip cords, single line wires between trees, basically an course in the trees that we climbed upward with each one and between the trees. What a workout, but what an experience. Was enjoyable. (I should have pictures of this to add by the end of the week) So I can really prove that I did it. We had lunch at a local restaurant in Engelberg, then the train back to Zurich. Out for dinner at another hotel, then we checked out an outdoor festival going on in the old town of Zurich, again cobbled streets, they had lots of food booths and music going on, was very crowded. Sunday morning we took a boat around the lake and enjoyed the scenery and the sun. We had great weather on the entire trip, the sun was out and it was warm. I returned home on Sunday evening after a great trip. Was really glad for the chance to participate in it.

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