Saturday, June 28, 2008

Tennis Anyone !

I visited Wimbledon today - the tennis championships are being played there for two weeks. Everyone at work along with Beverley stated that I needed to experience Wimbledon. I did experience it, what they all neglected to tell me is that you can queue all day in order to get tickets. I left home around 9:30a this morning, took the tube, meet a couple nice guys who actually were working security at the events, nice chat with them and they showed me where to go to queue once we arrived there. About a 15 minute walk from the station, then across the park to join the queue line. Which was really long, they advised us upon arrival at 11:30 that would probably not get in the gates till 5pm. Um, then had to decide if I was going to wait. Decided I was there, might as well, also the weather was very nice today, sunny for the most part with a breeze blowing. Met some interesting people while in queue. (by the way queue here is waiting in line). Finally at 5:30p this afternoon, I made it thru security to the ticket booth and actually inside Wimbledon. I haven't ever really watched any Tennis, was really surprised to realize that I actually enjoyed watching some of the matches. They have 18 courts that matches were being played on. The main match in the center court was also broadcast on a big screen TV that you could watch from the lawn. Lots of food places and the Wimbledon store. The grounds are very pretty with lots of flowers and green. Did I mention lots of people ! It was an enjoyable day even with the long wait to get in. Not sure if I would do it again, if I did I would arrive much earlier in hopes that it wouldn't take so long to get in. People actually camp over night to queue first thing in the morning. There were people already there today that were camping to queue tomorrow. It was a great experience and an adventure. Glad I did it ! Never thought I would be able to go to The Championships at Wimbledon.. Enjoy the pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How exciting. I am glad you stayed. One of those experiences you won't forget. You can now say...I've been to Wimbledon during the championship games! What fun! Love - 40 - win to Joellen Churchill.....